The chairman of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi), Ajay Tyagi on Wednesday said the retail investor participation in the capital market has increased significantly with the number of new demat accounts increasing from 4 lakh per month in 2019-20 to 29 lakh per month in November 2021 and the regulator and market infrastructure institutions should ensure that these investors keep trust in the capital markets.
“Increased investors participation in domestic markets is an extremely encouraging sign for the growth of capital markets in India. It is for the regulator and the market infrastructure institutions, market intermediaries and other stakeholders to ensure the investors keep trust and faith in the market.
“The investors on their part need to take an informed decisions based on their risk appetite especially in case of derivative. It is very critical to apprise the investors how these products can be used to hedge their risk and the risk involved in taking speculative positions so that they do not get their fingers burnt and disappointed from the capital market,” said Tyagi who was speaking at an event organised by NSE celebrating 25 years of its Nifty 50 index and 20 years of derivatives trading.